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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program?

Congress passed the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA), effective July 1, 2001. This Act was put into effect to provide compensation to workers and survivors who have developed specific illnesses as a result of exposure to radioactive and toxic substances while employed by the Department of Energy or one of its contractors/subcontractors in the nuclear weapons industry.

Who can File?
  • Eligible Employee

  • Spouse of Deceased Employee

  • Child of Deceased Employee

  • Parent of Employee

  • Grandchild of Employee

  • Grandparent of Employee

What are Part B Claims?

Part B Claims typically cover conditions such as Radiation-Induced Cancers, Chronic silicosis, and Chronic Beryllium Disease and Beryllium Sensitivity.  Eligibility may vary depending on the facility in which you were employed, the years you were employed at that facility.

What are Part E Claims?

Part E Claims are based on illnesses that are caused by exposure to toxic substances. In most cases the claim is sent to an industrial hygienist for an opinion on the frequency and level of your exposures. Following the receipt of that report a causation statement must be submitted from your doctor or one of our affiliated medical consultants giving their opinion on how your exposures could have contributed to the development of your condition. 


Let us help you to get the compensation and benefits that you deserve!

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